Kara and I did eventually get the packages of wine sent. Whether they'll actually get to us in the States is still a mystery. We really like a challenge so we waited until the morning before our flights to figure out how we were getting the remaining 13 bottles home (yeah that's right, do the math). A couple generous bartenders in the area donated some boxes and we wrapped the bottles in my unessential clothing. Why didn't we put them in plastic bags first asked the Post Office lady after we had already tapped up the boxes with almost an entire roll of tape? Again, the challenge.
Three suspiciously taped, custom-declared "olive oil" boxes and $120 later, we said adios to the packages and pondered if and how they would arrive. My bet is two will make it but one will contain a hot mess of wine, clothing and giraffes figurines.
I don't have photos of this so here is one of Kara struggling with her surf board.