On our second day in Cape Town we rented a car to drive the cape. We got as far as Camps Bay before we let yet another meal drift the hours away. It's nice to not worry about time. The next couple stops were quick photo ops as the coastal scenery was absolutely stunning, but our main destination was the Cape of Good Hope. It was tourist central when we arrived but that didn't take away from how beautiful it was. We climbed up a pretty good cliff to get the ultimate view of the Indian Ocean meeting the Atlantic (this is actually disputed, most believe it's actually Cape Agulhas) and just breath it all in.
We continued our drive up the other side of the cape to Boulder Bay where the Jackass Penguin colony resided. I was so excited, I have been waiting to see penguins in the wild for my whole life. Man, what a let down! It was very similar to a zoo. The penguins were able to meander wherever, but were mostly kept in a reserve area and tourists were restricted to the boardwalk above the beach. Lame. I can't deny that they were totally adorable though so it was still wonderful.
Earlier that day, we had booked tickets for a dinner cabaret/Cirque du Soleil-type of show called Vaudeville. We rushed back to the city, rushed to get changed and rushed to the show only to have the doorman tell us they weren't ready yet haha. The show was pretty cool overall. It's was a bit naughty as promised by the woman who told us about it, and some of the acts were really impressive.
I wish we could have spent a month in Cape Town, there was so much to see and do. Guess I'll just have to make another trip.